

Leads to Change and Evolution

When I started my former company and was determined to make a good living and live happy ever after within the fossil fuel industry regarding oil and carbon, I was only driven by growth and prosperity. Little did I know back then what the impact would be of my ancient energy-endeavours.

The focus in the previous decades was entirely based on coping with consumer’s habitude, and emboldens a key position in the energy distribution supplier chain. This was my drive and passion during those days.

``The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe, the less intention we shall have for its destruction.``


Evolution Of Heavy Machinery In Mining

Alongside with the evolution of new Heavy Machinery in coal/carbon mining came worldwide voluminous pollution and damage for planet earth.

Strip mining causes dust and noise pollution when topsoil is disrupted with heavy machinery and coal dust is the result of mining. This leads to soil erosion, destruction of agricultural land, and into streams of polluted waterways.

``Only within the moment of time represented by the present century has one species-man-acquired significant power to alter the nature of the world.``


Mining For Decades Opened My Eyes

During my active endeavour predominately in the mining industry, I came to understand that it is inevitable to change course, and start to find new and innovative ways of giving the earth room to breath, in order to be able to restore durably.

When this crossed my mind that was the moment I knew that it is time to change and put people and planet first and at the hearth of our future.

The Power of Movement

With the Power of Movement we can change the world. Therefore changes big and small do contribute to the one thing mostly valuable in the universe, Planet Earth.

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