Privacy statement

Privacy statement

Regarding the privacy and confidentiality of information entrusted to EME Blue – Engines, it is important that EME Blue – Engines is committed to ensuring the protection and correct use of your personal information (“personal data”) and/or corporate information (“corporate data”) wherewith we can identify or recognize you / your enterprise accurately.

Collection and use of personal data

EME Blue – Engines collects your personal data if you choose to make it available to us because you: Choose to apply for online information;
Choose to register for an Investor Relationship;
Choose to automatically be kept informed of events, newsletters or other publications.

Purposes of information processing

EME Blue – Engines collects personal data for the following selection of purposes:

Development of Investment Relationships;
Issuance of manufacturing and Distribution License’s;
For online communication;
Registration for events;
Sending job and/or event alerts, newsletters or other publications;

What information do we collect?

EME Blue – Engines uses cookies and other techniques to automatically collect certain types of information when you use EME Blue – Engines website(s).

In addition, IP addresses of devices that visitors use to visit our website(s) are registered by EME Blue – Engines for IT-Security and diagnostic purposes. Processing this data enables us to improve the usability and effectiveness of our services and to measure the effectiveness of our marketing activities. In addition, you have the choice to leave personal and corporate data yourself. This includes the following personal/corporate data:

– Corporate name
– Corporate address
– Personal first-and last name
– Date of birth
– Corporate Title
– Email address
– Phone number

In addition, we process the data that you provide to us, for example the data that you state on your investor application, sponsorship and partnership request or in your CV or in your motivation letter.

Use of Collected Data

Your (personal) data will not be used for purposes other than the purposes for which you initially provided this information to us, unless you have given specific permission for this it is necessary for EME Blue – Engines to comply with legal obligations. The collected (personal) data will only be used by EEME Blue – Engines to enable a responsible, effective and efficient way to communicate with you.

Use by Third Parties

EME Blue – Engines does not share your (personal) and/or corporate data with third parties unless, this is necessary. In some cases, EME Blue – Engines may share personal data about you with external companies or service providers working on EME Blue – Engines behalf. In the following cases, EME Blue – Engines shares your (personal) / corporate data with third parties:

To facilitate the sending of content for marketing purposes by e-mail;

For registration around events organized by and on behalf of EME Blue – Engines;

To conduct an assessment, background check or have a medical examination;

In all cases, an appropriate processing agreement has been concluded with the relevant third parties, in which, among other things, the correct and safe processing of the data is guaranteed, in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.

Retention Period

EME Blue – Engines does not store your personal / corporate data for longer than five (5) years in compliance with the law of the Netherlands. You can withdraw this permission at any time.

Legal Bases for the Processing of your Personal Data

The privacy legislation, including the General Data Protection Regulation allows to process personal data if this is done on the basis of one of the principles included in the AVG. If we process your personal / corporate data this processing is based on one of the following bases:

Your personal data can be processed if necessary for performance of an agreement with you;

The processing of your personal data is necessary to comply with legal obligations, such as keeping files for tax purposes or providing information to a public institution or enforcer;

Your personal data will be processed on the basis of legitimate interests of EME Blue – Engines;

This processing is permitted as long as our interests do not outweigh your interests.

There is a legitimate interest, for example, in processing for the following purposes:

A. Marketing
Acquiring orders (sales) in the case of existing customers with whom we have a commercial relationship;

Managing existing customers and relations (relationship management & account management); Optimizing and/or personalizing content;

Conducting and optimizing effective business operations;

If you have given specific and explicit permission to process your personal data for a specific purpose, in this case, you can withdraw your consent at any time by sending an email to

Special personal data is only collected when you provide it voluntarily or when this is necessary or permitted by law and regulations. Special personal data are, for example, data about a personal ethnicity, political opinion, religion, philosophy of life, or health. We request that you only provide special personal data to EME Blue – Engines if you consent to the processing thereof by EME Blue – Engines. If you have any questions about the provision of special personal data to EME Blue – Engines, please first contact EME Blue – Engines at


If you have made personal data available to EME Blue – Engines, you have the right to view this personal data and to correct any inaccuracies. You also have the right to object to the processing of your personal data by EME Blue – Engines and you also have the right to delete the personal data concerning you. Finally, you have the right to restrict the processing of your personal/corporate data by EME Blue – Engines or to have your data transferred from EME Blue – Engines in a computer/machine-readable file (data portability).

Security and integrity of data

EME Blue – Engines has security policies and procedures to protect personal data against unauthorized loss, misuse, alteration or destruction. EME Blue – Engines employees who have access to personal data only have access to this personal data if necessary for the performance of their duties and/or to support the websites.

Links to Third Party Websites

EME Blue – Engines website(s) may link to other websites that are not covered by this Privacy Statement, but through other privacy statements that may differ. We recommend that you review the privacy statement of every website you visit before providing your personal data.

Changes to this Policy

EME Blue – Engines may amend this Online Privacy Statement from time to time. When we make changes to the Online Privacy Statement, we will revise the date last modified at the top of this page. We recommend that you regularly read the Online Privacy Statement so that you are kept informed of how EME Blue – Engines is protecting your personal data.

Questions about the privacy policy and about enforcement

If you have any request regarding the processing of your personal data or would like to object to it, please send your comment or objection by e-mail to: You can also use this email address to share any concerns you have regarding compliance with our Online Privacy Statement.

If required, you always have the right to file a complaint at the Dutch Data Protection Authority.

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